1 minute read

I was looking for data structure which can store data in key and value pair, it would be even better if I can access it using "." or dot notation for easy and clean acess so few such data structures I was exploring:

  • dictionary
  • class
  • namedtuple

Using Dictionary:

Dictionary is very useful data structure, however accessing its elements using dot notation is not possible.

In [22]: person = {'first': 'Dev', 'last': 'Pat', 'age': 3}

In [23]: person['first']
Out[23]: 'Dev'

In [24]: person['last']
Out[24]: 'Pat'

In [25]: person['age']
Out[25]: 3

Using class:

Using class to store value and access those values using dot notation as below. With such data storage, we can modify the value as well after assignment:

In [12]: class person():
    ...:     def __init__(self, first, last, age):
    ...:         self.first = first
    ...:         self.last = last
    ...:         self.age = age

In [13]: p1 = person('Dev', 'Pat', 3)

In [14]: p1.first
Out[14]: 'Dev'

In [15]: p1.last
Out[15]: 'Pat'

In [16]: p1.age
Out[16]: 3

Using namedtuple:

Another good way is to use namedtuple of collections module, as its tuple once its created we cannot modify the values of its field. This data storage container gives easy dot notation access to its value using key:

In [4]: from collections import namedtuple

In [17]: person = namedtuple('person', 'first last age')

In [18]: p101 = person('Dev', 'Pat',  3)

In [19]: p101.first
Out[19]: 'Dev'

In [20]: p101.last
Out[20]: 'Pat'

In [21]: p101.age
Out[21]: 3

Any other better ways to achieve the same?


